Monday, December 26, 2005


Welcome to Breathing Air Again. I am Rev. Scott Miller, an ordained minister of the Universal Life Church. It is my sincere hope that what I have learned about life and love and human nature may be used by others to experience a better life and to make this world a better place. That is what this blog is all about.

In these pages I will be sharing what I believe are key elements of life as I learn them. I will also be sharing my thoughts on religion in general and Christianity in particular. Why Christianity? Let me explain a few things.

Many people would call me a Christian, but I do not call myself one. Christianity, despite what many people believe, is not based on the teachings of Jesus but on the theology of St. Paul, the self-proclaimed apostle. I accept most of Jesus' teachings but reject Paul's theology. I do not believe in salvation as Paul lays it out, which is why I am not a Christian because Christianity is based entirely on that concept: Jesus as the sacrificial lamb. The few teachings of Jesus I do not accept are the ones that were almost certainly added by later writers. (All of these concepts will be expanded on in blog entires.)

So I call myself a disciple of Jesus. I do not know if he was the son of God or God incarnate or whatever. I do know that, from what little information we have on him, he was on the right track. He sought to bring common sense and love to a world that was stuck in the decay of unenlightened superstition. The religious world is still in this state, and it's time we redeemed Jesus' teachings from the unwieldy burden of Paul, lifted the wieght from the shoulders of Christianity, and gave the world a chance to take a nice, deep breath of fresh air.

Thank you again for coming. I hope you will join me on this journey, but even if you are just passing by, I wish you peace and joy and love. May you have all you need.